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SHARC Industries, LLC
Premium Quality Aftermarket Bandsaw Parts and OEM Components
Stocking Parts for Amada, Behringer, Clausing, Daito, Danobat, DoAll, Everising, Friggi, Forte, Hem (HE&M), Hydmech, Kalamazoo, Kasto, Kysor Johnson, Marvel, Mastercut, MEP, Missler, Peddinghaus, Peerless, Pheonix, Spartan, Tannewitz, Wells, W.F. Wells and many more...
We also produce parts to sample
SHARC Part Number:
Wire Band Brush for Hydmech Band Saws
Hydmech Brush 025.0552

Replaces Part Numbers:
Please Click Image to Magnify
This Blade Brush is utilized on Hydmech DM-8 & DM-10 Band Saws
Chip Brush Units Protect nearly every other system on your Band Saw from Premature Failure. Replacing worn chip brushes and repairing the brush drive system is a great way to lower tooling costs and reduce future repair costs.
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