SHARC Industries, LLC
Premium Quality Aftermarket Bandsaw Parts and OEM Components
Stocking Parts for Amada, Behringer, Clausing, Daito, Danobat, DoAll, Everising, Friggi, Forte, Hem (HE&M), Hydmech, Kalamazoo, Kasto, Kysor Johnson, Marvel, Mastercut, MEP, Missler, Peddinghaus, Peerless, Pheonix, Spartan, Tannewitz, Wells, W.F. Wells and many more...
We also produce parts to sample
SHARC Part Number:
SHARC "Standard" Duty Wire Wheel for Amada Saws
Amada, AC-2196-9. 1200396a, 1200396 RB00609, 10300687, RB00609---, 10335202, 10556627, 10302439, 10428826, 10360519, 10437511, 52310926

Please Click Image to Magnify
SHARC's "Standard" brush is Wider & More Dense than the OEM Unit, This Wire Blade Brush for Amada Saws is SHARC Designed to include a NO FUSS Install and Support Washers to Increase time of Service